Commuter Student Resources

A key to being a successful student at UCLA is to utilize the plethora of resources that are made available to you. We know as a commuter you are managing many different responsibilities throughout your day, including commuting through LA traffic to get to campus. Whether it is wondering how to contact your academic counselor, struggling to figure out the parking pass deadlines, or just wanting to be more involved on campus, we will give you the tools you need to help you succeed on campus even when you are not physically living on the UCLA campus.

Some of the academic resources available to you include academic counseling, writing centers, tutoring services, and digital library resources. Explore the different support services to help you achieve your academic goals.
Academic Resources
College Academic Counseling helps students determine how to fulfill degree requirements, create degree objectives, or decide on a major. You can meet with an academic advisor to help you determine your intellectual, professional, and personal goals.
Undergraduate Research Center - SciencesThe Undergraduate Research Center – Sciences helps UCLA undergraduate students in all areas in the life and physical sciences, engineering, and mathematics. The center hosts workshops for students to learn more about research and also promotes and develops undergraduate student research.
Undergraduate Research Center - HumanitiesThe Undergraduate Research Center - Humanities serves all students in humanities, arts, social science, and behavioral science disciplines. The center helps connect students to research opportunities and hosts events for students to learn more about humanities and social science research.
Honors CollegeCollege Honors is an academic program designed to encourage high academic achievement and individual excellence. With the help of Honors counselors and staff, students design a cohesive, uniquely tailored undergraduate experience by bringing together engagements from inside and outside the classroom—including research, internships, community service, and entrepreneurial pursuits—that advance their academic, personal, and professional aspirations.
Academic Advancement ProgramThe Academic Advancement Program, known on campus as AAP, is the nation’s largest university-based student diversity program. The program aspires to create innovative academic programs for historical underrepresented students in higher education and to provide academic support for a diverse population of undergraduate students.
Career CenterThe Career Center helps equip students with the tools and resources to help students discover their professional strengths as they prepare for graduate school or full-time employment. The center offers career exploration, skill development, workshops, panels, and more throughout the academic year. ranked among the top academic libraries in the country, the UCLA Library drives the world-class research, groundbreaking discoveries, and innovation for which UCLA is renowned. The library offers resources such as research consultation appointments, textbook lending, computer labs, workshops, and more. It is one Library with many physical locations, including Powell Library, Charles E. Young Research Library, and more.
Study SpacesUCLA offers a range of different indoor and outdoor spaces with WiFi access for students to study. There are places all across campus, from the residential halls to the Sculpture Garden.
Undergraduate Writing CenterThe UCLA Undergraduate Writing Center offers free one-on-one appointments for all UCLA students. Their staff helps students work on course papers, capstone projects, senior thesis, and application materials during any stage of the writing process.
Community Programs OfficeUCLA’s cross-cultural center, the Community Programs Office, offers many academic resources for UCLA students including a test bank with past exams, the Writing Success Program, and the Student Retention Center.
Math Department TutorsThe UCLA Math Department has compiled a list of math tutors students can contact if they need extra support in their classes. Tutors can help students with both lower division and upper division coursework.
Faculty Office HoursUCLA Professors hold weekly office hours where students can talk with their faculty about class coursework, the professor’s research, and ask any questions they have. Office hours are a great way to get to know your professor better, make connections, and learn about future opportunities. Professors typically post their office hour schedule on the syllabus, but most can schedule appointments by email as well.
Faculty Office Hours
Watch sample office hours with Dr. Tonya Kane to learn more about professors at UCLA, how office hours work, and what questions students can ask!
Building Community

Getting involved on campus is important to build your UCLA community and create a sense of belonging on campus. This is especially true for student commuters who may feel more isolated due to the demands of their commuting schedules. UCLA has over 1,000 different student organizations, one being the Bruin Commuter Student Association! Reach out to the student organizations you are interested in to find out about their meeting schedules so you can start creating your Bruin community.
Community Resources
The Bruin Commuter Student Association (BCSA) is the only commuter student group on campus! The group helps to build a commuter community, advocates for student commuter needs, and helps commuter students find resources and navigate UCLA’s campus.
Undergraduate Students Association Council (USAC)USAC is the governing body of the Undergraduate Students Association (USA) whose membership is composed of every UCLA undergraduate student. USAC has fifteen student officers and commissioners who are elected by the undergraduate student body at the annual election held during Spring Quarter. Most of the USAC offices have internships and staff positions for undergraduate students to get involved in.
SOLEUCLA offers over 1,300 student organizations including student government, academic, leadership, spiritual & religious, club sports, and community service organizations that you can get involved in.The office of Student Organizations, Leadership and Engagement (SOLE) helps connect students to student organizations and supports registered student organizations with events, advising, and funding.
Intramural SportsIntramural Sports (IM) provides the UCLA community an opportunity to participate in organized recreational sports through a variety of different leagues, tournaments, and special events each quarter. Participation is more leisurely than club sports, and promotes an active lifestyle and friendly competition in a fun, safe environment.
Community Programs Office Student OrganizationsThe Community Programs Office (CPO) houses student organizations that focus on community service, retention, and outreach to historically underrepresented groups. Their organizations focus on outreach on the campus body as well as to the Greater Los Angeles area.
Bruin Resource CenterThe Bruin Resource Center (BRC) supports students’ development, well-being, and academic success and to foster an inclusive and socially just campus community. The BRC serves all UCLA students, with a particular focus on current and former foster youth, students with dependents, students in recovery, undocumented students, and students impacted by the criminal justice system.
Greek LifeThe Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life on UCLA’s campus provides students the opportunity to join social or professional fraternities and sororities. Students can join these organizations by participating in “Rush Week” which typically happens in the beginning of Fall Quarter.
Student Alumni AssociationThe Student Alumni Association (SAA) is a 100 member volunteer group working within the UCLA Alumni Association to enhance the student experience and connect the student body with our incredible alumni. SAA hosts many school-unifying events throughout the year like the Beat ‘SC Rally, I Love UCLA Week, and Spring Sing. Students can join SAA by going through the application process in the beginning of Fall Quarter.

There are a variety of different commuting resources available from discounted bus passes, late-night vanpools, parking passes, and more. Commuting to UCLA may not always be easy, but you have access to many resources to help you manage being a Bruin commuter student.
Transportation Resources
UCLA Transportation is your hub for all your transportation questions and concerns. They provide student parking permits, vanpools, carpools, bike routes, discounted bus passes, and more.
Community Programs Office (CPO)The Community Programs Office, CPO, offers a vanpool in the evenings for commuters students at UCLA, study halls, and more. Their office is located in the Student Activities Center (SAC) in suite 105. The CPO also provides retention services to benefit students and houses student organizations that UCLA students can get involved with to meet other students.
cityLABcityLAB is an architecture and urban research think tank situated within UCLA’s Department of Architecture and Urban Design. cityLAB has been instrumental in designing the BruinHub and some of their research has covered the commuter experience and commuter needs on campus. The BruinHub is a new hub at the John Wooden Center that is currently being designed and will provide student commuters with a place for rest and community.
Health & Wellness

While being a college student can be difficult at times, it is important to remember to prioritize your health and well-being. UCLA has resources for students that focus on mental, physical and emotional health. Reach out to these resources when you need them.
Health & Wellness Resources
The Basic Needs Committee is comprised of staff, faculty, students, and community members dedicated to addressing basic needs issues at UCLA. Their website has basic needs resources for UCLA students like CalFresh, CLICC Library, and more.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)The Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) exists to support students’ mental health and foster the development of healthy well-being necessary for success in a complex global environment. Some of the services CAPS offers is crisis counseling, individual counseling, group therapy, and emergency intervention.
Economic Crisis Response TeamThe Economic Crisis Response Team (ECRT) provides support and guidance to students who have self-identified, or are identified by UCLA faculty or staff, as experiencing a financial crisis that impacts their academic success at UCLA. The ECRT provides an individual response to UCLA students in financial hardship.
Community Programs OfficeThe Community Programs Office (CPO) offers basic needs resources for students like the CPO Food Closest, grocery bundles, and holiday food boxes. The CPO and the CPO Food Closest is in the Student Activities Center (SAC) located in suite 105.
Rise CenterThe RISE Center is a holistic wellness hub that provides an array of programs, classes, trainings, and self-directed resources to foster and support resilience, connection, and well-being for the UCLA community. Some programs the RISE Center offers to students are meditation circles, yoga classes, and more.
GRIT CoachingHoused with the RISE Center, the GRIT Coaching Program provides graduate and undergraduate students one-on-one support from trained peer coaches. Some of the topics of focus during the individualized coaching sessions include stress/time management, effective communication skills, meditation/mindfulness, cultural humility, goal setting, comprehensive campus resource referrals and much more.
Collegiate Recovery CenterUCLA’s Collegiate Recovery Program (CRP) was formed in 2016 to provide support to UCLA students who are in recovery from substance use or other addictive behaviors. They are dedicated to providing academic, wellness, and emotional support to students who are in recovery or who are considering recovery.
UCLA Mindfulness Awareness Research Center (MARC)The MARC Center has multiple free resources for students to support mental health and wellness. Some of their resources include 6-week meditation classes, workshops on mindfulness, and free guided meditations.